Favorite style of clothing?
I love the thrown together messy "I dont really care, but I really do" look.
Favorite Store to buy clothes?
If I love it, ill buy it. Doesnt matter where its from.
I love my 4 year old Express jeans. Skinny boot cut and perfect for everything.
I always go on jewelry highs...almost always you can find some sort of bangle around my wrist. As of late I have been sporting a red yarn bracelet with my gift of economic money. Its pretty.
Mmmm confession..I have a lot..and I mean a lottt of shoes. Ita a good and a bad thing. Shoes should never be the main focus of an outfit. They are an accessory. Therefore its okay to own 5 different pairs of black heels...its like jewelry. You arent going to wear the same necklace everyday now are you?
A womens neck and back are the most seductive to me. Showing a bit of neck changes the entire outfit...just ask Edward..hes a neck man too.
I have many, but Im learning that the last thing I have time to do in the mornings is change my purse. Too many things to move around..and what if you forget something?! I always carry my usual big bag then grab a clutch or something just in case I need to run inside and dont want to carry the big guy. Its working so far.
What is your favorite type of hat?
My most fav. hat would be my grandpa's brown fedora. He used to wear it everyday...when he passed away I became the proud owner. Honestly I wear that hat almost everyday at some point. Its the perfect color and fits just right. I get more compliments on it than anything I own. Its like I have a little PaPa Bob with me each time I wear it. It makes me smile, and I know it makes him smile too.
I have so many necklaces...but they are all different and have a story to tell. I like that. A scarf is a must have..its changes the entire outfit and keeps you warm!
What does your wardrobe have most of in it?
I have a lot of black. Its funny because I never used to wear black, but when you work in retail and a hair salon, black becomes your best friend.
When buying clothes the thing which influences your choice is?
I hate trying on 7 different shirts to just see if they look good. I go for items that get my attention from the clothing rack. I look for unique pieces that are sort of waving at me...haha...Its hard to explain how I shop..but I know what I like and I know how to wear it..so if I see it I get it and love it.
Up-to-date fashion or old fashion?
I love looking back at fashion history...its interesting. Its a cycle you know..
Read Fashion Mags?
I live and breathe them.
my raybans..are always my fav.
What is your favorite outfit?
that isnt a fair question at all.